Austin Enhancement Group, Inc.
Board of Directors
It takes a LOT of time and effort to put together these events;
we appreciate these volunteers giving their time and talents to make great things happen!
Questions? We welcome your email!

Mark Bliese
Mark is the owner of Imagery Sound, a sound production company, which is his tie to the Freedom Festival - he has provided the sound for over 15 years for Freedomfest. Fun fact: Mark started his sound production career as a ‘roadie’ touring the nation in the early 90’s with big names.
During AEG events, you can find Mark doing everything from painting and mopping, to building and doing sound and lights.

Shawn McAlister
Shawn McAlister is from Austin and his wife is also from this area; they have a school-aged son and daughter. Shawn is the Vice President of Operations at PHP Hospitality. He currently lives in Onalaska, but is in Austin frequently as his family is here and the Austin DoubleTree Hotel is one of the properties that he oversees. Fun fact: Shawn has a long history with the Festival as he worked at it when it was still being held at the Mill Pond. Shawn and Mark knew each other in high school, so it has been fun to get to work together again on this shared interest.

Natalie Bunnell
Natalie is from Austin, and has a long history of involvement in Austin activities. Fun fact – she has an amazing voice and sings the most beautiful classical/operatic music you've ever heard! Besides all of the volunteer work she’s doing in our community, she and her husband are raising four boys.

Taylor Bliese
Mark and Taylor are married with two school-age daughters, and have lived in Austin nearly all their lives. Taylor also volunteers her time as the parent coordinator for the AHS Archery Team, as well as doing website work for the Cedar Valley Conservation Club. Fun fact: Taylor has been a soloist at Orchestra Hall and the Pantages Theater in Minneapolis.

John Mueller
John was born and raised in Austin. He and his wife Dawn have four kids and three grandchildren. John has been a long-time community volunteer. He has a passion for helping produce events for others to enjoy. John has known Shawn McAlister for nearly 30 years and worked with Mark Bliese producing an annual country music show for over 20 years, so when the two asked John to help put together the 2021 Freedom Festival, it was an easy yes! John is proud to join them and others as founding members of Austin Enhancement Group. Fun fact: John and his family operated a farrow to finish hog set up and in 2004, received an award for producing the highest quality pork among more than 500 farmers from across the Midwest.

Bradley Johnson
If you have been to nearly any Austin event, you have probably seen Brad there, helping. Brad has been involved in the Freedom Festival for decades! He's also been involved with local hockey and several Boards and volunteer events for at least that long. AEG is lucky to have Brad's depth of community experience on the Board.

Danielle Finley

Freedom Festival Contacts:
Food Vendors Chair: John Mueller
Grounds and Traffic: Brad Johnson
Children's Entertainment/Activities: Natalie Bunnell
Fishing Contest: Ben Bunnell
Veteran's Chair: Scott Wiechmann
Stage Entertainment: Mark Bliese
Media, Sponsorship: Taylor Bliese
Little Miss Sparkler Pageant: Bonnie Gordon
Volunteer Coordinator: Danielle Finley
Craft Vendor Coordinator: Come and join our committee!
Email us at: Info@AustinEnhancementGroup.com